Estabhlised in 1997, Sada Coffee runs under the leadership of Mr. M. Rasid. A. Through the experience and motivation to keep improving the living standards of coffee farmers in particular, the Nutrition Aceh determines to improve land productivity, improve the product quality, change cropping patterns and treatment, and reduce deforestation for new land clearing.
Sada Coffee has 1 (one) hectare of the main land and 5 hectares of collaborative land – with some local and foreign investors.
Sada Coffee also implements intensive care system in order to increase the quality and quantity of coffee.
Here are some advantages that Nutrition Aceh has:
- Collaborating with some local and foreign investors in the management of coffee plantations.
- Implementing coffee-intensification systems to increase production capacity of coffee with the amount of 7,000 stems / ha.
- Having clear Standart Operation Procedure (SOP). Starts from the new land clearing, planting, maintenance, harvesting and post-harvesting.
- Planting only one variety, Super Ateng, in the entire plantation.
- Collaborating with Politeknik Lokhseumawe in researching and developing the quality of coffee product through a program focusing on science for export products called IbPE – stands for Ipteks bagi Produk Ekspor in bahasa.
- Having High commitment in producing quality coffee with so called Speciality.
7. Applying organic farming systems.